I’ve decided to do an essay collection

My nonfiction essay collection, Body Archaeology, traces the arc of my migration out of a middle class American Jewish existence that seemed severed from my body, and into the pursuit of a more physically felt and emotionally authentic way of being. This led me, of all places, to the exploration and advocacy of radical life extension and physical immortality. It’s an unlikely path, one I am seeking to make sense of myself in these essays, by looking back to the moments of suffering and discovery that became stations along the way.

Most of these essays have been published in literary journals including Louisville Review, Vol. 1 Brooklyn, Superstition Review, Eclectica, and Rock & Sling, among others. Individually, they touch on everything from moving countries as a small child, playing intercollegiate basketball, a rift with family, loving an older woman, and surviving worst-case scenario spinal problems. But taken together they trace the through-line of a personal transformation all the way back to the very beginning.

Joe Bardin